Due to a studio fire my studio is no longer open to clients. Most work and sales will be handled online and shipped through the USPS
I will also entertain custom work and commissions for certain pieces. Thanks you.
Directions to the studio - Artist statement and resume'
I was born in Shirley, Massachusetts and raised in East Boston. After 4 years in the United States Air Force and a tour in Vietnam I returned to Massachusetts with a wife and started college. We built a home and studio about 20 years ago here in Middleboro, Ma. I have been a working artist and teacher for over 40 years. I received my Degree in Art and education at Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, my Masters in Education and Masters in Fine Art (CAGS Ceramics) is from Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Ma. I have retired from teaching ceramics at Bridgewater and from the Brockton MA school system.. My other interests include collecting oriental arts, art from around the globe, antiques, cycling, cooking, wines, and gardening. - Scroll down for more images |
Brockton Enterprise photo and link to article 11-3-2012
Old Studio Sign 1. Carved and painted antique pine plank c1988
Studio/gallery/workshop new signs 2012
Studio and home in Middleboro, Ma.
Hand made brushes Entry Work tables Studio up storage.
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