Welcome to Ron Mello Studio art. I have been a working artist and teacher since 1976.  Please select from the galleries below.

Raku Fired Work

Sagger & Smoke

Horse hair vessels

Stoneware etc.  





Final Rest Urns


Web site Terms and conditions



Artist Statement/Resume

Ron Mello Studio links and photos

Studio Cards & Information

Gift Certificates

Mailing list information

How to purchase/Shipping/packing slip

Favorite Links  

Current Events

Affiliated Gallery List 

Kiln Building

Tomobako - presentation, gift boxes



     Etsy . Home Page . Purchases - Domestic and Overseas Blog . Directions

Kintsugi (Restorations)

Drawing, Painting






Firing methods




Website designed, built and maintained by Ron Mello  -  © No part or image from this site may be used without permission of the artist.   "God Is In The Details"  (American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - 1886–1969)

Prices and other information on the following pages may change or vary because of inventory, market conditions, associated gallery listings or at the discretion of the artist. email for more information or questions. - Email